Five Wheelers proceeded on their merry way from Ware to overtake the category 6 group early on in Fanhams Hall Road, pleasantries of the day being exchanged. We continued via Barwick Ford, Standon, Mentley Lane, Gt Munden, Buntingford, Sandon and Roe Green to the excellent Mill End Nursery just as a large group from the Verulam Club were leaving full of cake; fortunately there was still plenty for us. Returned by way of Cromer Mill, Wood End, Haultwick, Standon Green End and Barwick Ford. 40 miles in pleasant weather.
Knock, Knock, are there any Cat 3 riders around today, yes, me, myself and I and a very welcome Arsenal supporter Ian Moore who was a guest! So the ride was changed to allow him to train up to the Emirates for the start of the match!
Three Wheelers competed in the Finsbury Park F10/25 – the Garret Cup event. Even through it was the first 25 mile TT for two of the team - Hertfordshire Wheelers won the fastest team! Gareth won the Wheelers' Garret Cup and was 4th overall.
Starting at Seyssinet-Pariset on the west side of Grenoble, PeterB & myself decided to enter this as our introduction to the Alps. Although we had recced it the previous day, we still managed to get lost on our short route to the start. Still, it afforded us glimpses of Grenoble that we don't want to see again! I turned up with my routesheet & gps at the ready only to find out that the routes advertised were not on the menu. So instead of giving the 100 a go, we got the 133. The first 50kms was fairly flat. And then it wasn't.
Just seven met up at Allenbury’s for a mid-summer pootle to Bishops Stortford. Just seven! Maybe it was member involvement in so many events on the same weekend - the Tour, the London Surrey 100, the Dunwich Dynamo. Maybe it was the outrageous prices at the sophisticated Mocha Cafe, our mid-ride stop. Maybe it was the rain, which for most of the first half, was quite heavy.
The group reduced by one before le depart - a member feared the consequences en route of a vegetable high on the Scoville scale consumed the day before.