Club Run Reports

Displaying 1 - 20 of 621
  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos
    Today was going to be very cold. I had put on three layers plus a jacket. I turned up at a desolate  Allenbury's. Bull rushes were blowing across the car park and there was a gun fighter standing there, waiting for a gun fight. OK, OK, none of that actually happened apart for the desolate part. 

  • Category 3 ride led by Graham Knight

    It was certainly cold at the start - below zero - and the roads close to my house were white with frost. Caution needed therefore. However, once I reached the A1170 into Ware the road surface was wet, not frozen, thanks to gritting. The main impediment to speed was now wind-chill which was remedied to an extent by moving my buff from my neck to my head.

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    Today was going to be epic. Yes, epic! Lisa and I were endeavouring to herd thirty seven Wheelers into Mill End Plants.  We both agreed it would be like herding cats. Obviously, not all were coming on the cat 6. Each category was either leaving earlier or later, but converging (big word, eh) between 10:15 and 10:45. 

  • Category 3 ride led by Ian Bembridge

    I set a new record for entrants today. There was one rider - me!

    A couple of late apologies (sent this morning) were received, but I did not see them until I got home as I only have Pumble on my laptop. When I am leaving home at 08:30 I don't have time to fire up my laptop to see who has pulled out.

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    Today was the day I could test my new power meter, but there’s too much else in the report to write about it this week. OK, I’ll tell you. Nah, next week (laugh emojis)

  • Category 6 ride led by Ian Bailey

    It turns out that Strava now gives an AI-generated report on rides. This is what it has to say about the work of today’s intrepid foursome:

    Looks like you had a solid ride out to the Mayfields Farm Bakery, battling some decent headwinds along the way.

    Your average speed of 11 mph and elevated relative effort of 144 suggest you really pushed yourself on this one.

  • Category 3 ride led by Graham Knight

    After bumping along with two or three participants all summer our ranks swelled to five this weekend - we love the cold!

    Cold it was at the start, but the temperature rose throughout the day, it stayed dry and the sun occasionality managed some modest shining. We took a long way round to Royston heading out to Datchworth then up to Weston, Baldock and Bygrave - nice views up there. After the fast descent to Ashwell it was west to Royston via Littlington and the exciting hell-for-leather race along the A505.

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    Well, what can I say, this was a ride of two cafe’s. Intrigued? Read on.

    The weatherman advised (even on the Met Office app) there was to be no rain today. Such a liar, eh! 

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos 

    Strap line: Has anyone seen Wally? Where’s Wally? Now replace with Where’s Pete’s Toolkit? All will be revealed. 

    'Twas a pleasant, nay, picturesque morn on the last Sunday of September. The sun was shining, the robins were chirping. Nothing could go wrong. 

    I rode up to Ware on my bicyclette. Upon yonder route, I saw the Category four riders at the Clock Tower and I even got a cameo part in the movie “Cat 4 does Barnet” (it’s better if you say it in a gangster style voice, lol). 

  • Category 6 ride led by Kevin McPheat

    After learning that using Strava to 'edit' a route is a disaster, I decided to create the route myself, which is easy enough if you don’t get too ambitious. Route saved and downloaded to my phone, and the phone strapped onto the handlebar with some elastic bands added, as the last time, it went flying when we went over the railway crossing. With two water bottles and two bandage plasters in my kit, I was now ready to be a ride leader!

  • The Dunwich Dynamo report by Tony Dos Santos

    The 2024 Dunwich Dynamo starred Lisa Ridoutt, Kate D’Arcy, Enzo Misuraca, Giancarlo Misuraca, Peter Bloomfield, Mark Kerr, Claire Gopoulos, Stewart Allman, Ertan Mustafa and Tony Dos Santos. 

    A couple of days before we prepared by getting the vehicles in place so that we can get all the riders home safely. A big thanks to Lisa and Claire for leaving their vehicles at Dunwich and offering to bring us all home. 

  • Category 3 ride led by Graham Knight

    At the start in Hertford the Cat 3 riders mingled with those of Cat 6. After full and thorough consultation, and having ascertained that both groups were heading in the same direction, the Cat 3 team agreed to set off promptly in order to avoid being crushed by the Cat 6 horde. So it was that Ian and Graham headed off towards the Chilterns - a small group, but perfectly formed.

  • Category 3 ride led by Graham Knight

    The prospect of warm, sunny weather, and of trialing Alex's new 100k Audax route, brought an unaccustomed seven riders to the start in Ware. It was good to see three riders - Alex, Barry and Augirdas - returning after long absences.

  • Category HC ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    This was the day that Carolyn was going to pop her 100 mile cherry. The day/ night before there was the usual faffing around, getting everything ready. I met Leigh at a quarter to seven at his house, and he didn’t look best pleased :-). 

    We arrived in Ware at 7 and the place was like a ghost town. We prepped our bikes and within 5 minutes we were ready! Once again Leigh was not impressed - he could have spent 15 more minutes in bed! Nonetheless it’s better to be early, isn’t it?

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    What! What! Yes, the weather gods had changed their minds and decided, for the first time this year, that the temperature was going to rise above 20°C. Whoop! whoop! I hear you say. The sun is out, the sky is blue, there’s nothing to spoil the view and it’s not raining in my heart! 

    I met Leigh and Davina on the way up. Nice to have you back on the rides Davina. We got to Ware in plenty of time and the sun was shining. 

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    The weather gods decided to shine down on our ride. The BBC weather app forecast sun all day. It was a Bank Holiday, so, I kind of thought we might have shed loads of riders, but on the other hand many might be away. It was the latter. 

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    The weather forecast looked cold for today with 7°C at the beginning, rising to 12°C. However, as the clocks have rolled forwards, I wore shorts and a non-sleeved jersey with arm warmers plus a gilet. It didn’t feel that bad on the way up. I met Leigh - it was a new bike day for Leigh, an all singing and dancing 85 speed super duper bike. OK, OK, I may have exaggerated on the number of gears, but it was close to that. 

  • Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos

    Today was my first lead ride back from having a bad back. It was listed as the “Magical Easter Ride”, obviously because it was Easter Day. I assume by the number of riders that turned up, they thought it would be a chocolate egg hunt. It wasn’t. 

  • Category 6 ride led by Daniel Horn

  • Category 3 ride led by Graham Knight

    Just two intrepid category three riders assembled on Sunday morning. Ian, with touching faith in the constancy of British weather, had decided that, since it wasn't raining when he left the house, it would remain dry throughout the day and had omitted to wear a waterproof. No doubt this faith was shaken by the increasing downpour that accompanied our departure from Ware but, coming as he does from north of PB, he was undaunted by trivial impediments like being cold and wet.