Wheelers' TT series - League table after 7 rounds

Wheelers' TT series - League table after 7 rounds

F7/10 (NRCC Brickendon)

18 Jun 24

3 wheelers at tonight's time trial - Peter Walton, Laura O'Shea and mme (Sam Ball). I didn't take my own advice and forgot my lights but thankfully I was able to borrow some. Nice conditions but a bit of a headwind held up progress on the long downhill from the start. Obviously a nice cup of tea and piece of cake afterwards (I snaffled a couple of pieces)

Tonight's Results:

Laura O’Shea : 26.57

Sam Ball :27.07

Peter Walton : 28.45

Current time trial league leader board


Laura O’Shea 19 points

Emily Chilton 10 points


Peter Walton 38 points

Sam Ball 20 points