Club run reports - 18th July
Club run reports - 18th July
19 Jul 21
Category 6 ride led by Tony Dos Santos
We all knew today was going to be a hot one, hitting a heady 30°C that was predicted. So I decided to meet Hanif at his house and he said “let’s go round the lanes”! 16 miles later and lots of hills, we arrived late!
Everybody was waiting tapping their feet. Sorry I was late all.
As I turned up, there was a nice beaming smile from our newest of members, Rebecca Moore. It was nice to see Danny Mason and Claire Gopoulos as well. Davina was just taking her bike off the car when I turned up, so she was late lol.
Finally we set off about 15 minutes late and raring to go.
We rode through Fanhams etc etc blah blah cycling cycling cycling lol.
Claire asked me how many miles to the café, so I asked her how many miles we had done, she said 12 miles, so I advised her it was another 7 miles. Then at mile 17 Claire said we should be there by now; I then advised Claire we will have to sit down with her and explain maths lol.
So we got to Thremhall Park after covering the 19 miles Claire :-).
At the cafe, Danny “fixed” Davina’s cleats. Well when I say fixed them, he took them apart and put them back together. Danny kept saying “does that make sense” and Rebecca and I looked at each other and nodded. Then she looked at me and shouted “does that make sense”, whilst I was quiet as a mouse :-). I think Rebecca could have killed me for a minute, but then found the funny side of it. Hanif did his normal pose for the club photo (attached.)
We set off from the café and not much happened until Chris’s tyre let go with what we thought was a massive hole. We took shade and whilst Chris was changing the tube, Claire and Hanif decided to have their own hill climb race, three times, in the heat and Hanif won every time. Claire you need to up your game!
Back to Chris changing his tube, he got to the last part of putting the tyre on and he just couldn’t do it and said it was impossible; so “Tony the Tiger” stepped up and put it on in two seconds, Chris stood there agog and grateful. We left and weaved our way back to Ware. Poor Rebecca who had just bought her bike, started having knee pains, but in true Wheelers fashion, she soldiered on.
We got to Ware and said our goodbyes.
Last leg home for Hanif and me. He worked me like a dog again on the way home, without me knowing it.
All in all a nice ride today and thank you all for coming. Great company and a good laugh.