16\11\16 - DIY 200km Audax
16\11\16 - DIY 200km Audax
17 Nov 16
Been doing a bit of weather watching of late and saw that Wednesday would be mainly fine but that it would deteriorate towards a colder spell by the end of the week. I needed to get in a second 200 this month leaving me with just December to go. So off I toddled to Lavenham (85kms). This part was quick and the conditions were all to my advantage. Neither hot nor wet, with a following breeze my average was 16mph. This changed as I turned south for Little Waltham via Sudbury. Now it was more of a contest. In the sheltered parts it wasn't too bad, just the open areas that caused most grief. At Lt Waltham (147kms) I turned west for home. I surprised myself by making good time along the A1060 to Sawbridgeworth although that is when the heavens finally opened - and with a vengeance. Don't know what I did to upset the rain-gods but they certainly got their revenge! However was quite chuffed when I got back and saw that my average was over 14mph. Took me nine and a half hours overall with only half an hour of non-cycling time for the 204km trip. PW.