ECCA Cat 3/4 Road Race
ECCA Cat 3/4 Road Race
09 May 12
Nick Cr continued his road-race programme by competing in the ECCA festival event near Saffron Walden ...
" I had the start of a chest infection and wasn't sure whether to compete, but illness is just a sign of weakness! I turned up rubbed some vick on my chest and got "stuck in"! We had 5 laps of 11.5 miles on what was a great course but full of potholes. Our race was stopped for ten minutes while they airlifted a crashed rider from the Elite road race up ahead. We were all kept amused by Alex Dowsett from "Team Sky" who was out on a training ride. I told him to train harder and next year he might be riding in the Tour Of Italy with Cav instead of talking to us. (Some people don't understand a Fireman's sense of humour)! As Herts Wheelers are a member of the E.C.C.A I got the club on the map by earning 6 points for crossing the finish line in 20th place out of 57. "