Clubruns 8th September
Clubruns 8th September
08 Sep 13
Cole Green was awash with HW Blue & Yellow for the TT, yet on his easy 50 from Ware Bob still had seventeen accompany him to Buntingford via a circuitous (tortuous) route devised from his evil, devious mind. The mediums started out after the TT with about ten riders although Club Pres John had a senior moment with cramp which caused him to return to his car after a lengthy moan and groan at Tewin. Actually, it was quite scary as there is not a lot of help that can be given. Memo to JP - see your doctor! A mixed bag of weather. Started sunny, got very cloudy and later on the sun started sweating profusely. Combining the club rides and the TT riders, about forty hit the roads this morning.